दूरध्वनी डिरेक्टरी मंत्रालय

महत्वाचे दूरध्वनि क्रमांक


Sr. No Room No Name Designation Branch Office Landline No Official e-mail Id
1 311 Annexe(3rd floor) Shri.Rajesh Kumar Addl.Chief Secreatary Co-opration &Marketing 22025283 22813823 acs.coop@maharashtra.gov.in
2 313 Annexe(3rd floor) Shri.Virendra Singh Secreatary Textile 22836819 acs.textile@maharashtra.gov.in
3 334 Annexe Mr.S.P.Khorgade Joint Secreatary Est1,Est2, 5C, 6C,12C 22029313 santosh.khorgade@nic.in
4 NAB(3rd floor) Mr.V.P.Murudkar Desk officer Est -1 22793642 vilas.murudkar@nic.in
5 Annexe(3rd floor) Mr.A.H.Damayyawar Desk officer Est- 2 ashok.damayyawar@nic.in
6 334 Annexe(3rd floor) Mr.A.J.Chaudhari Desk officer 5C 22812273 anil.chaudhari@nic.in
7 334 Annexe(3rd floor) Mrs.C.R.Bisen Desk officer 6C 22793978 chitra.bisen@nic.in
8 334 Annexe(3rd floor) Mr.R.C.Shinde Desk officer 12C 22812273 rahul.shinde@nic.in
9 359 Annexe(3rd floor) Mr.S.P.Pangarkar Desk officer Cash section 22025960 suraj.pangarkar@gov.in
Law Officer for CMTD
10 NAB(14th floor) Mr. R.C.Salunke Under Secreatary (Legal)
Sugar Wing
11 620 Annexe(3rd floor) Mr.A.P.Shingade Deputy Secreatary 3C,22C, 25C 22843586 osd1.cbm6-mh@nic.in
12 620 Annexe(3rd floor) Mrs. S.R.Dehenkar Desk officer 3C 22843586 sarita.dehenkar@nic.in
13 317 Annexe Mrs.Anjali Sadikale Under Secreatary 22C 22844832 anjali.sadikale@nic.in
14 620 Annexe Mrs.S.Pawaskar Desk officer 25C 22851954 saroj.pawaskar@nic.in
Credit and Co-oprative Wing
15 358 Annexe Mr.S.A.Patil Joint Secreatary 2C,7C,13C,15C, 18C 22885984 santosh.patil@nic.in
16 358 Annexe Mrs.S.M.Bhavsar Desk officer 2-c 22885984 sujata.bhavsar@nic.in
17 358 Annexe Mr.R.C.Shinde Desk officer 7-C 22885984 rahul.shinde@nic.in
18 707 Annexe Mr.A.J.Chaudhari Desk officer 13-C 22813826 anil.chaudhari@nic.in
19 707 Annexe Mrs.Vijaya sanghshetti Desk officer 15-C 22813826 vijaya.chaugule@nic.in
20 358 Annexe Mr.Sangram Dubal Desk officer 18-C 22885984 sangram.dubal@nic.in
Budget/ Housing Wing.
21 NAB(3rd floor) Mr.Nitin Gaikwad Deputy Secreatary 9C,14C,16C,19C,17C 22844832 nitin.gaikwad@nic.in
22 NAB(14th floor) Mrs.P.K.Kolekar Desk officer 14C 22026805 pallavi.kolekar@nic.in
23 NAB(14th floor) Mr.K.D.Patil Desk officer 16C 22026805 kishor.patil82@nic.in
24 Annexe(Ground floor) Mr.P.N.Zalte Under Secreatary 17 C 22852752 prithviraj.zalte@nic.in
25 Y.C.Prathistan Mr.A.H.Damayyawar Desk officer 19-C 22674625 ashok.damayyawar@nic.in
26 Annexe(Ground floor) Mr.V.J.Kor Desk officer 9-c 22852752 vijay.kor@nic.in
Marketing Wing
27 317 Annexe(3rd floar) Mr. S.S.Dhapate Joint secretary 1-c,10-c, 11-c,21-c,24-c 22830430 sugriv.dhapate@nic.in
28 NAB(14th floor) Mr.P.D.Karlekar Desk officer 1-c parsenjit.karlekar@nic.in
29 NAB(14th floor) Mr.P.D.Karlekar Desk officer 10-c parsenjit.karlekar@nic.in
30 Annexe(3rd floor) Mr.P.G.Pawar Desk officer 11-C p.pawar@nic.in
31 Annexe(3rd floor) Mrs.Madhavi Shinde Under Secretary 21-C madhavi.shinde@nic.in
32 Annexe(3rd floor) Mr.S.D.Deshmukh Under Secretary 24-C santosh.deshmukh@nic.in
Textile Department
33 317 Annexe(3rd floor) Mr.Shrikrishna Pawar Deputy Secreatary Tex-1A,Tex-1B,Tex-2,Tex-5 22835153 shrikrishna.pawar@nic.in
34 NAB(16th floor) Mr.S.G.Gole Desk 2officer Tex-1A, 22812273 suraykant.gole@nic.in
35 NAB(16th floor) Mrs.C.R.Bisen Desk officer Tex-1B 22812273 chitra.bisen@nic.in
36 NAB(16th floor) Mrs.G.R.Mhaske Under Secretary Tex-2 22845919 gauri.pawar@nic.in
37 NAB(14th floor Mr.P.G.Pawar Desk officer Tex-5 p.pawar@nic.in
Sericulture &Textile
38 NAB(14th floor) Mrs.S.D.Kocharekar Deputy Secreatary sericulture Desk,Tex-3,Tex-4 22832176 shradha.kocharekar@nic.in
39 NAB(14th floor) Mrs.A.V.Jagtap Desk officer sericulture 22850058 alka.jagtap@nic.in
40 NAB(14th floor) Mrs.Anjum Pathan Desk officer Tex-3 anjum.bano@nic.in
41 NAB(14th floor) Mrs.Anjum Pathan Desk officer Tex-4 anjum.bano@nic.in
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